Land Development Review & Inspection
The Office of Engineering is responsible for the engineering review of both residential and commercial subdivision plats and commercial/industrial site plans for compliance with the Subdivision Regulations, Floodplain Ordinance, and the Improvement Location Permit Ordinance. This is done in conjunction with the Office of Planning & Zoning’s review with the Subdivision and Zoning Regulations.
Upon satisfactory completion of all plan reviews by staff - and then approval of the submission by the Planning Commission - the developer is required to post a bond to ensure that all required site improvements are installed as shown on the approved plans. Typically, the developer’s consulting engineer prepares an estimate of the cost (using the Land Development Bond Estimate Form) of all required site improvements, then submits it to the engineering department for review and approval.
Once the bond estimate is approved, the developer shall provide a bond surety in one of three forms, outlined in the Bonding Policy. Once the surety is received by the Bonding Administrator, the bonding agreement will be prepared for signatures by both the developer and the County Commission. Once the plans are approved and a satisfactory bonding agreement has been executed, the necessary permits will be issued to the developer.
The developer is required to schedule a pre-construction meeting with the Land Development Inspector prior to beginning construction. Once construction begins, and as it progresses, the developer is responsible for scheduling the required milestone inspections with the Land Development Inspector. Bond reductions may be obtained by the developer as the site work progresses, in accordance with the bonding policy. Upon satisfactory completion of all site improvements, the construction bond may be released.