Steering Committee - The Steering Committee works with the JCHSEM Director to guide the activities of JCHSEM. A fourteen-member Steering Committee is made up of public and private representation. The Jefferson County Commission appoints all members to the Steering Committee.
Public Awareness, Education and Training Committee - The Public Awareness, Education and Training Committee is responsible to communicate the organization's activities to the public and to build support for JCHSEM's programs. Any interested person can serve on this committee.
Counter Terrorism Committee - The committee works on issues of planning and training for counter terrorism or human-caused disasters. Membership to this sub-committee of the Risk Assessment and Mitigation Planning Committee is limited to members of law enforcement, emergency management, homeland security, emergency communications, Red Cross, schools, health care, fire companies, ambulance authority/EMS, and government, due to sensitive homeland security issues.
Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC) - The mission of the State Emergency Response Commission (SERC) and Local Emergency Planning Committees (LEPCs) is to implement the Emergency Planning and Community Right to Know Act (EPCRA) and to mitigate the effects of a release or spill of natural or man-made hazardous materials.
All Hazards Mitigation Planning Committee - The All Hazards Mitigation Planning Committee will examine the community's risks and vulnerability to all hazards and assess the community's vulnerability to those risks. Additionally, they will look at critical infrastructure and key resources to determine which are most susceptible to risks. Any interested person may serve on this committee.
If you are interested in joining any of our committees, contact