General Election
November 3, 2020
The Voter ID law went into effect during the 2018 Primary Election. Click HERE for more information.
The last day to register to vote in the General Election is October 13, 2020.
Early Voting and Election Day Hours
Early Voting is held at the Jefferson County Courthouse (100 E Washington St, Charles Town)
October 21 - October 31
Hours: 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. (including Saturdays)
Saturday Early Voting: October 24 & October 31
Election Day voting takes place on November 3 at your normal polling location.
Polls are open 6:30 a.m. - 7:30 p.m.
(The Courthouse is not a polling place and will be closed on Election Day.)
Sample Ballots
You can check your precinct HERE
65th Delegate District
Includes precincts 2, 3, 4A, 4B, 6, 7, 19, 23A, 23B, 24, 28
66th Delegate District
Includes precincts 16, 20, 21A, 21B, 22, 25A, 25B, 26, 27, 29
67th Delegate District
Includes precincts 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35A, 35B
Absentee Voting
To receive an absentee ballot, you must apply for one. Due to Covid-19 any eligible voter can vote early with an absentee ballot. Covid-19 qualifies as “other medical reason which keeps me confined” when selecting your reason for applying for an absentee ballot.
Please do not submit multiple applications, you need only apply once by whichever of the following is most convenient for you:
You can apply online at the Secretary of State’s secure online portal here:
You can print & mail or email the application here:
Regular Absentees (applications accepted after August 11th):
Overseas Citizens and Military (applications accepted now):
Applications can either be mailed via USPS or emailed to the clerk at the respective addresses below:
C/O Voter Registration & Elections
PO Box 208
Charles Town, WV 25414
Track the status of your absentee ballot here:
What if I get an absentee ballot and want to vote in person?
If you change your mind, take the absentee ballot you received and turn it in to the poll clerk while checking-in at either early voting in the courthouse or your polling place on election day in order to vote a regular ballot in-person that is counted on election day. If you do not turn in your absentee, you will be required to vote a provisional ballot that will not be counted until Canvass when it can be determined that your absentee was never returned.
Poll Worker Information
Poll Book Tablet Training Video - Coming Soon!
State Candidate List
State level candidates file with the Secretary of State's office. Click HERE to search by county.
Candidate List
County Commission - Harpers Ferry District
Tricia Jackson - Republican - Certificate of Announcement; Code of Fair Campaign Practices Financial Statements: 1st Quarter Report, Primary Report; 2nd Quarter Report; 3rd Quarter (General) Report |
Ralph Lorenzetti - Democrat - Certificate of Announcement Financial Statements: 1st Quarter Report; Primary Report; 2nd Quarter Report; 3rd Quarter (General) Report |
County Commission - Kabletown District
Lanae Johnson - Democrat - Certificate of Announcement; Code of Fair Campaign Practices; Treasurer Designation; Change of Treasurer Financial Statements: 1st Quarter Report, Primary Report; 2nd Quarter Report; 3rd Quarter (General) Report |
Steve Stolipher - Republican - Certificate of Announcement Financial Statements: 1st Quarter Report, Primary Report; 2nd Quarter Report; 3rd Quarter (General) Report |
Mike Chapman - Democrat - Certificate of Announcement; Treasurer Designation Financial Statements: 1st Quarter Report Primary Report; 2nd Quarter Report; 3rd Quarter (General) Report |
Tom Hansen - Republican - Certificate of Announcement; Code of Fair Campaign Practices Financial Statements: 1st Quarter Report; Primary Report; 2nd Quarter Report; 3rd Quarter (General) Report |
Financial Statements: 1st Quarter Report; Primary Report; 2nd Quarter Report; 3rd Quarter Report |
Steve Cox - Independent - Certificate of Announcement; Treasurer Designation Financial Statements: 1st Quarter Report; Primary Report; 2nd Quarter Report; 3rd Quarter Report |
Gregory Lance - Mountain - Certificate of Nomination by Convention; Certificate of Announcement |
Angela "Angie" Banks - Democrat - Certificate of Announcement; Code of Fair Campaign Practices Financial Statements: 1st Quarter Report; Primary Report; 2nd Quarter Report; 3rd Quarter (General) Report |
David C. Tabb - Mountain - Certificate of Announcement; Code of Fair Campaign Practices Financial Statements: 1st Quarter Report; Primary Report; 2nd Quarter Report; 3rd Quarter General Report |
Prosecuting Attorney
Matt Harvey - Republican - Certificate of Announcement; Code of Fair Campaign Practices Financial Statements: 1st Quarter Report; Primary Report; 2nd Quarter Report; 3rd Quarter (General) Report |
Roger E. Harris - Republican - Certificate of Announcement Financial Statements: 1st Quarter Report; Primary Report; 2nd Quarter Report; 3rd Quarter (General) Report |