Employment Opportunities
Application for Employment & Background Checks
The Jefferson County Parks and Recreation Commission has a desire to protect the safety and welfare of its youth during their participation in all sports or athletic activities that occur on or in JCPRC athletic facilities. Recognizing the nation-wide incidence of crimes against children requires pro-active steps to provide protection to children participating in organizations involving sports and athletic competition. JCPRC requires all adults, 18 years or older that utilize fields to undergo a criminal background check.
We are always looking for new program ideas. If you have a particular talent, skill, or something fun you would like to share with the community, please contact our programming staff at tvanvliet@jcprc.org or hburgos@jcprc.org. Thank you!
Job Posts
Fulltime Park Maintenance Laborer
Day Camp Director
Day Camp Assistant Director
Specialty Camp Counselor
Summer Camp Assistant
Camp Counselor Substitute
Day Camp Counselor
Mobile Recreation Assistant
Mobile Recreation Coordinator