Sam Michaels Park
The entrance to this one hundred and thirty acre park is located on Job Corps Road, near Harpers Ferry. The private setting of this park offers the perfect place to host weddings, wedding receptions, and reunions and other family events. The well shaded Mason Picnic Pavilion offers an adjacent kitchen and restroom facility. The Veterans Memorial Pavilion offers ample space for a large gathering, 9 large picnic tables, restrooms and easy access to the central playground. It also features our Veterans Memorial Wall and flagpole, paying tribute to soldiers in all branches of the military.
For more information on reservations for this park please call the Jefferson County Parks and Recreation Commission office at (304)-728-3207.
_______________________________________________________________________________________________________ To learn more about the amenities in our park, please click the icons below. COMMUNITY CENTERDOG PARKVETERANS PAVILIONMASON PAVILIONDISC GOLFTHE AMPWEDDING VENUEPLAYGROUND_______________________________________________________________________________________________________ The development of a new Sam Michaels Park Concept Plan will conserve the park's existing natural and cultural resources, while also offering diverse recreational opportunities. The Goal is to "Design and implement a grand vision for Sam Michaels Park that elevates the park to a true County-scale and "the premiere" park facility for Jefferson County." Members of the JCPRC and Michael Baker International Design Studio. Final Sam Michaels Concept Plan |
Sam Michaels Park History
Samual G. Michaels was born in 1885 and lived on the property now known as Sam Michael’s Park. He was a very intelligent, talented person who was sometimes described as “eccentric” by many. Sam attended Shepherd College and was a good friend of President Roosevelt. Sam Michaels’ property included 130 acres of woods and farmland. The original buildings included a barn, outbuildings and a spectacular mansion nestled in the woods. Fire overtook the mansion after Sam’s death in 1981 and only the “The Columns” and gateway remain. Sam had a love of nature and animals. Imagine his collection of exotic animals, including buffalo, peacocks, llamas, white deer, monkeys, a scarlet macaw, dogs, and flamingos wandering the grounds. At the time of Sam Michaels death, it was his will that his property “be repaired and placed in suitable condition for viewing of the public.” While we have certainly used the property for the community, we are very pleased to have had the opportunity to renew his home site for the enjoyment of many generations to come.